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Wires & Cables

Coroflex Industry Ca­bles for in­dus­tri­al ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons – Coroflex

Customers around the world value Coroflex as an innovator and development partner for cut-ting-edge, smart cable solutions in the industrial sector. With the Coroflex product family, we have developed a completely new generation of sensor and control cables with the aim of setting new technical standards.

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13 Results

New ge­ne­ra­ti­on of wires for sen­sors and con­trols

Ca­bles that ex­cel. We make them for our in­dus­tri­al cust­o­m­ers world­wi­de. As a tech­no­lo­gi­cal­ly lea­ding de­ve­l­oper and ma­nu­fac­tu­rer of high-qua­li­ty wires and ca­bles, we have come up with a com­ple­te­ly new ge­ne­ra­ti­on of wires for sen­sors and con­trols: the Co­rof­lex® fa­mi­ly of pro­ducts. This ap­p­li­ca­ti­on-ori­en­ted fa­mi­ly not only meets the stan­dard re­qui­re­ments of a broad ran­ge of sec­tors; it also rai­ses the bar in terms of pro­duct cha­rac­te­ris­tics – ad­ap­ted to the in­dus­try in ques­ti­on, of cour­se. With our in­no­va­ti­ve Co­rof­lex® Sen­sor, Cle­an­room, Food & Be­ver­age and Hos­pi­tal wiring sys­tems, we of­fer so­lu­ti­ons for new and high­ly com­plex re­qui­re­ments.

Coroflex sensor and control cables

Would you like to know more about our range of products in the Coroflex series? You can download our catalogue here.

Cables for Industrial Applications Your contact for the APAC region

Would you like to receive more information about our cables for industrial applications? You are welcome to contact us at any time.

Cables for Industrial Applications Your contact for the APAC region

Would you like to receive more information about our cables for industrial applications? You are welcome to contact us at any time.


Would you like to receive more information about our cables for industrial applications? You are welcome to contact us at any time.
Raphael Wodausch
Global Key Account Manager

Cables for Industrial Applications Your contact for the NAFTA region

Would you like to receive more information about our cables for industrial applications? You are welcome to contact us at any time.
Paul Nickl
Business Development Manager Wires & Cables
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